Create content to support your next GTM campaign.
We’ll help you tackle all the content you need to support your
GTM iniatiative in a 12 week sprint.

Launching platform data? You need content.
New product launch? You need content.
Rebrand? You need content.
What initiatives are your GTM teams tackling next quarter?
Let content be the bridge that brings it all together.
In a 12-week sprint, we’ll help you tackle a tentpole piece of content (think eBook, guide, or report), six articles, and the social assets to distribute each.
We’ll take a step back, interview your experts, and create a a cohesive editorial guide that will serve your GTM campaign.
Cornerstone Content
Whether it’s an eBook, report, or in-depth guide, we’ll create a high quality piece to fuel 6+ months of follow up content.
We’ll create follow up articles for the cornerstone content, technical pieces, features or ghostwritten articles, community-driven roundups, and more.
Repurpose your content for LinkedIn.
Drive conversations with your audience that spark ideas for your next campaign.
Let's get started with a free strategy call.
Packages are constricting, and we don't put you in a box. But to give you an idea, the minimum for a 12 week sprint is $21k. Cornerstone pieces of content are ~$5k, depending on length, interviews, and whether you’d like us to handle design. Articles run $2k, and distribution packages run ~$1,500.
12 weeks in total, but here’s the more granular breakdown:
Month 1:
» We get on a kick off call, establish goals, and confirm where we want to put efforts of scope (ToF, MoF, BoF). After this call, you’ll introduce us to your team, share internal documentation and inundate with helpful context to deliver the best results.
» In weeks 2-3, we hold interviews, sift through the internal documentation you shared with us, and begin creating your Client Guide and Editorial Strategy.
» In week 4, we’ll finalize the Client Guide and Editorial Strategy and come back with our plan for cornerstone content, follow-up articles (ideally, 3 months worth), and a plan for distribution. Then, we’ll get on a call to review and receive your feedback. We confirm any additional SME intros we need to support those. Turnaround time on your content is typically 4 weeks following the recap call.
Month 2:
We’re deep in content creation now—creating your cornerstone piece of content and getting any additional interviews on the calendar needed for your articles. Your cornerstone content is delivered in week 8.
Month 3:
We’re connecting the dots, adding distribution elements to the longform pieces, and getting things across the finish line.
We get an intro or identify an expert:
Internal: We’ll interview your internal experts. This could include team members who most closely resemble your ICP, technical experts who deeply understand the product, sales folks who talk to prospects daily, CS folks who talk to customers daily, or your leadership team who can share a unique POV that will resonate with potential buyers.
Platform partners / customers: We’ll showcase your partners' or customers' expertise. This can take different forms, whether it's a traditional case study, a tactical playbook, or a customer feature story (with the product in the background).
External: We'll ask for intros to leaders in your network or we'll go out and find experts. We have a good track record. For a recent RevOps roundup piece, we reached out to 28 RevOps pros that we were connected with, 21 people responded, and 14 people contributed.
We schedule the call within two weeks (experts tend to have full schedules). We send over questions 2-3 days in advance so they can prepare. Then we're on a call with them for 30-60 minutes. We take that transcript, pull out the main insights, and finalize the brief.
The kick off month is critical. We take the time to talk to as many teams as possible:
» Marketing (content, product, brand demand gen)
» Sales (leadership, VP, or AE that has frontline context)
» CS (what issues do people have? what gets them excited?)
» Leadership (depending on company size, ideally we talk to founders or C-Suite to get a high level perspective)
Then we take those interviews and what you already documented (pain points, buyer personas, product info, product marketing), and we create the Client Guide and Editorial Strategy.
Other ways that we ensure quality: We allot 4 hours to build thorough briefs for our writers, ensuring an excellent initial draft that meets expectations. Then, the draft is seen by three of our editors before it’s delivered to you. See our editorial process below for more details on how we edit each piece.
We're not just spitting out a list of random topics.
After the kick off month, we can say: "Here's what we heard the team say, here's what customers say, here's what you have documented. Here's the 3-4 themes that we recommend you cover over the course of this project.”
Then, we create topics under those themes:
» Tactical (here's how to do xyz)
» Strategic (why you should rethink your approach to abc)
» Conceptual (here's how we think x is going to transform y).
We lay the foundation and build in a few layers that starts with your audience's questions, concerns, engagement and taking into account how your team views those things.
Once the topic we suggest is approved by your team, our process looks like this:
» Brief creation. Ideally we're talking to an SME or working with some data and combining that with external research.
» You approve it. Then, our Editorial Lead hands it to the writer.
» The writer creates the first draft.
» Our Managing Editor reviews the 1st draft in suggestion mode for developmental editing (gaps, brief alignment, level of detail, etc).
» Back to the writer—they make those changes.
» Off to the second editor—they handle line editing.
» Editorial Lead makes final tweaks.
» Editorial Lead sends the final piece to you.
Including the brief creation, we have 4 rounds of review before you get the first draft so that it's 95% publish-ready. Every piece is edited by three different people.
Check out Our Work. Or, let’s jump on a call and we’ll send you examples that are close to what you’re looking to create.