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How Typeform distributes customer-centric content, consistently

Expert-Driven Content

About the client

Typeform is a distinctly creative form builder that helps businesses collect data they need with forms, surveys, and quizzes. Designed with striking visuals, a conversational flow, and powerful data gathering capabilities, Typeform empowers brands to give and get more with each form.

The Brand

Typeform is a distinctly creative form builder that helps businesses collect data they need with forms, surveys, and quizzes. Designed with striking visuals, a conversational flow, and powerful data gathering capabilities, Typeform empowers brands to give and get more with each form.

The Goal

This Head of Product Marketing needed to grow the company’s LinkedIn brand page by delivering:

- Consistent, quality social content
- Creating a diverse feed experience for their followers.

Success was measured in followers, impressions, and engagement on LinkedIn.

In 2023, we decided we needed to find an agency for consistent content, and we were really looking for quality. Moving to an agency was the only way we were going to quickly and successfully create high quality on a consistent cadence.

Lydia Kentowski
Brand & Content Marketing Manager at Typeform

The Challenge: The wrong audience was reading Typeform’s content

Typeform’s blog had some good articles, but the company lacked bandwidth to produce consistent, compelling content. “We had more of a ‘splatter-gy.’ There weren’t outlined themes and pillars for the most part,” Lydia Kentowski says. When a piece was successful, it’d be supported with a few distribution methods—but it always felt like a one-off push rather than a concerted effort.
Taking a closer look at their site traffic, Lydia realized that existing content wasn’t connecting them with the right audience anymore. “We found a couple of legacy pieces that people searched for that were highly irrelevant to Typeform as a brand and as a product. It encouraged us to be more focused on providing content that meets the needs of somebody who might be a Typeform customer one day.”

The Solution: Beam and Typeform partnered to create consistent delivery of high-quality, customer-centric content

Typeform turned to Beam Content to refocus their content strategy. Beam’s people-first approach fit perfectly with Typeform’s new goal to create strategic, compelling content for the right audience. Working with Lydia, Beam was able to:

  • Map out content by quarter to provide Lydia and the in-house team a solid roadmap and give them the opportunity to slot in additional relevant content
  • Create person-first content with SEO functionality
  • Switch Typeform’s content focus from mostly customer stories to more customer education and inspiration
  • Deliver high-quality content on time in an expected rhythm
  • Support future distribution efforts like pointing social ads to fresh, practical content

The Results: The right metrics on the rise

In just 6 months of working with Beam, posting 2 times per week to his personal profile, Nick saw big returns on all fronts:
Consumed more content
Time on page increased
Stalled out less often
Bounce rate dropped
increased (anecdotally noticed an increase in the right conversations)
Clicked the dreaded ‘X’ less frequently
Exit percent decreased

That’s huge for us. This is primarily just organic, SEO quality metricsA successful piece of content, a good piece of content, should pull its weight without any other channels on.

Lydia Kentowski
Brand & Content Marketing Manager at Typeform

Our Takeaways

It’s essential to dive deep into your metrics to make sure your content is landing with people who will actually become your customers—otherwise, your marketing efforts will be wasted. When you take a step back to focus on your current and future customers, you’ll naturally move from reactive to strategic.
Once you have your strategy in place, you’ll be able to bake in consistency and quality assurance. With these two aspects in place, your customers will spend more time engaging with your brand, give you their trust, and move along their journey from prospect to customer with ease.

Our Takeaways

Your brand’s LinkedIn page can be a reliable channel for building trust and creating meaningful conversations that will contribute to purchasing decisions.
When used in coordination with your other content campaigns and your team’s individual pages, you can create content that drives not just engagement, but authority and authenticity.